Thursday, February 19, 2015

getting to know me

Before I start posting all of my favorite patterns for knitting, I thought it would be so fun if we all got to know each other! Because I love making new friends, no matter where that friendship blossoms. The internet is no exception! So, here are a few things about me...

I love to knit (obviously!) and that is why I created this blog. I want to show and share my talent. But there is more to me than just a good set of knitting needles.

I am a huge fan of music. Coldplay is my favorite band like, EVER and I even made a music video to it once. Maybe I'll post it eventually. The Bachelor is my guilty pleasure and I just can't believe that Brit turned out to be so fake. I mean, come on, the bachelor is trying to find his true love. Show some respect.

My favorite movie is Safe Haven. Secret: I watched it on Valentine's day and it melted my heart!

And last, my dearest ambition is to become a member of the law enforcement. They do so much good in the world and I just hope I can someday be a member of such an honest, well meaning group of individuals.

But until then, let's knit!

And yes, snacking is a must! Knitting takes work and energy, but just keep at it. I'm here to help you along the way!
